Track Your Shipment
We will email you a unique tracking number when your order is shipped.
If your shipment arrives damaged, inspect the condition of the goods before the courier driver leaves. If there is damage or missing items, please notify EZ Snap, take photos, and email them to us immediately.
EZ Snap® provides FREE Shipping on all orders over $225. Shipments to Canada may be subject to duty, tax and brokerage fees. Your shipping costs to Canada or the U.S.A. will be FREE, $9.95, $14.95, or $19.95, depending on the dollar size of your order.
EZ Snap® has a proven track record of FAST order processing. We normally ship your order within 1 business day after the order is placed. FedEx Ground typically takes 3 to 5 business days to deliver to your door. Be sure to order your RV Skirting early in the fall or late summer though, as the closer we get to winter the bigger the chance for a delay in your order.